Are you looking for the best deals on
Look no further… this page will list all of our active deals! If you’re running a small business, we have some of the lowest rates for text message marketing.
If you’re running a non-profit, we have special deals that include extra texting credits and a free quick-start set-up program. But before we get to that, here’s why you need Betwext!
Why You Need Betwext
You don’t need me to tell you texting is a powerful marketing platform. Over 90% of text messages are read! Compared to email (with a 15% read rate) Texting is superior.
Now more than ever, customers prefer to get text messages!
You know you need texting… But WHY BETWEXT?
- Is the Low Cost Provider (Messages are only 1 Penny)
- Doesn’t require a long term contract
- Is easy to use (send a message in less than 3 minutes)
- Allows you to pick your own dedicated texting number – No sharing!
- Allows you to add additional texting numbers with ease!
- Provides unlimited keywords – Add all you want, no additional cost
- Doesn’t charge for contacts – (add hundreds or thousands!)
- Has an easy contact upload features. (Just remember – get permission to text people!)
- Offers Automated Welcome Messages
- Is easy to set up Drip campaigns (AKA Autoresponder Series)
- Allows scheduling messages weeks or months in advance.
- Offer 1 to 1 and 1 to Many Texting capabilities
- Offers MMS and Picture Texting (Yes, text pictures!)
- Bulk Texting
- Customer support
- and Much, Much MORE!
If you want to start texting today click the button below to pick the program that works best for your needs
Special Deals For Non-Profits
Are you running a non-profit, religious, or good cause organization? We’ve got a special deal for you!
Every plan offers non-profits Bonus monthly texting credits. In addition, awe waive the fee on out Quick Start setup program, so you can start texting within 30 minutes of signing up for Betwext.
In addition the Betwext Deal includes, special training and support.
How do you get this special deal?
Simply click the button below and sign up for Betwext. Once you are signed up, simply email our customer support team ( and let them know you’ve signed up and want the special pricing.
They will have you answer a few simple questions. You’ll need to provide your 501(c)3 organization documentation, or Canadian Revenue Agency Registration documents. Then we’ll code your account for special pricing.
How Good is The Deal?
Non-profits signing up for Betwext are eligible for 500 to 2,000 additional Monthly credits! That’s a yearly value of between $60 and $240!
Plus, we offer all non-profits FREE One on One consulting! We’ll share with you the tips, tricks and inside secrets so you can Jumpstart your text marketing and find the greatest impact for your non-profit.
But that’s not all.
All non-profits also get access to our Quick Start Setup program. This is a 30 minute startup process, where we help you get your system set up and ready to go. We get everything set, so all you need to do is add users and start sending messages!
It’s a $99 value – Free for Non-Profits!