NEW TCPA upload option

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The deterministic TCPA compliance solution

Tired of wasting money sending texts to phone numbers that do not belong to your customer anymore? Want to protect yourself against hefty fines for texting the wrong number under TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) regulations? Then use Payfone’s Number Verification service. It is the only solution that uses definitive phone records and complex business logic to validate ownership of the phone number. Number Verification takes into account number reassignments, landline to mobile porting, snapbacks and other number changes so that you never send texts to the wrong person. If other name matching solutions worked so well, then why are companies that use that solution still getting fined for TCPA non-compliance? We have saved our clients over $100 million in fines.

Deterministic = 0% false positives

Static name/address matching databases can never compete with phone record changes that are instantaneous. Tier 1 banks using Number Verification today report 0% false positives, meaning you will never be at risk of texting a phone number that does not belong to your customer anymore.

Over 30x ROI

Number Verification saves you money. When you add up the elimination of risk associated with TCPA fines and better marketing and authentication reach, Number Verification has a proven 30x ROI.

No modeling around scores

Number Verification gives you a definitive yes/no answer of whether you can still contact your customer. No need to interpret a confidence indicator ? our confidence is 100%.

No need for PII

Number Verification does not require you to maintain lists of name, address, email, etc. and the cost to securely manage them. Just enter the phone number and the last known positive contact date and Number Verification will tell you whether you can still contact that number.

Sample Code

Yes: Phone number ownership has not changed

It is safe to contact this phone number without risk of TCPA violation

    "Status"         : 0,
    "Description"    : "Success",
    "RequestId"      : "7f83-b0c4-90e0-90b3-11e10800200c9a66",
    "Response"       : {
      "VerifyNumberTransactionId"  : "144356671",
      "MSISDNType"                 : "Mobile",
      "NumberMatch"                : "Y"

No: Phone number ownership has changed

It is not safe to contact this phone number.

    "Status"         : 0,
    "Description"    : "Success",
    "RequestId"      : "7f83-b0c4-90e0-90b3-11e10800200c9a66",
    "Response"       : {
      "VerifyNumberTransactionId"  : "144356671",
      "MSISDNType"                 : "Mobile",
      "NumberMatch"                : "N"

Indeterminate: Phone number does not fall under TCPA

This phone number does not fall under TCPA jurisdiction as it is not a mobile phone number.

    "Status"         : 0,
    "Description"    : "Success",
    "RequestId"      : "7f83-b0c4-90e0-90b3-11e10800200c9a66",
    "Response"       : {
      "VerifyNumberTransactionId"  : "144356671",
      "MSISDNType"                 : "Landline",
      "NumberMatch"                : "I"

Upon completion of your upload Betwext will provide a download of the most relevant portions of the code above. Adding value to your decision making.