Large Senders
Here’s some critical information that we’ve presented to our large senders. If this applies to you please follow the instructions below!
Hi Betwext Customer,We’ve identified you as a Betwext account holder that may send more than 2000 messages per day on a 10 DLC (ten-digit-long -code). New National mandates require that you register your Betwext account phone number(s) and use case with the carriers (The Campaign Registry) or delivery may be impaired. Betwext will assist you with registering via the instructions below. The deadline to register is Friday 09/24/21 by 5 pm ET.
You have two options:
1. Move to toll-free numbers (no additional fee or registration is required until October 2022 and there is no sending cap for your opted-in subscribers). To swap your current 10 DLC numbers to toll-free simply email ask for your 10 DLC number(s) to be swapped out for toll-free numbers. Once you’ve completed this, no further action is required until August 2022
2. Register HERE or visit
To learn more about this National movement click HERE or visit
The deadline to complete registration is Friday 09/24/21 by 5 pm ET (remember if you move to a toll-free number you do not need to complete registration until August 2022). Please be aware that after 09/24/21 additional passthrough fees WILL apply.
Please contact or reply to this email if you require additional assistance.
Betwext Support