We’re live!

March 4, 2010 News & Press

Ok, we’re calling this a “soft launch.” That’s web-app lingo for “this thing works really well and is really secure but you can never be too cautious so we’re going to start small.” What was originally envisioned to be a weekend project turned into a much bigger deal, and with that we have what we’re calling the best, fastest, most user-friendly SMS chat experience available today.

We couldn’t have done it without the support of friends and family, and we’d particularly like to thank Josh Strebel for his never-failing-to-amaze developer wisdom, the entire crew at Forty, who saw Betwext in a very rough state (twice!) and managed to live through it, and Danielle and the entire Twilio Team, who made the entire concept possible through their amazing product.

Also, if you’re reading this, you probably helped or talked to or supported us in some way, and for that we express our deepest thanks. We hope you enjoy Betwext!